These commands can only be used by members who have MANAGE_SERVER permission
Set Prefix
Description: Set bot prefix
!setprefix <newPrefix>
Description: Send an embed message
!embed <#channel>
By default, Auto moderation events are ignored for members who have the following permissions since they are assumed to be channel/server moderators
!automodconfig debug on
disables this
!automodconfig status
view configuration status
!automodconfig strikes <amount>
set the maximum number of strikes before taking an action
!automodconfig action <timeout|mute|ban>
set the action to be performed after receiving maximum strikes
!automodconfig debug <on|off>
turns on automod for messages sent by admins and moderators
!automodconfig whitelist
list of channels that are whitelisted
!automodconfig whitelistadd <channel>
add a channel to the whitelist
!automodconfig whitelistremove <channel>
remove a channel from the whitelist
!anti ghostping <on|off>
logs ghost mentions in your server (Requires /modlog
channel to be setup)
!anti spam <on|off>
enable or disable antispam detection
!anti massmention <on|off> [threshold]
enable or disable massmention detection (default threshold is 3 mentions]
!autodelete attachments <on|off>
logs ghost mentions in your server (Requires /modlog
channel to be setup)
!autodelete invites <on|off>
allow or disallow sending discord invites in message
!automod links <on|off>
allow or disallow sending links in message
!automod maxlines <amount>
sets maximum lines allowed per message
Each time a member tries to break the automated rule, he/she receives a strike. After receiving the maximum number of strikes (default 10), the moderation action (default TIMEOUT) is performed on them
Channels Counters
Description: setup counter channel in the guild
!counter <counter_type> <name>
Available counters types
USERS: counts the total server member count (members + bots)
MEMBERS: counts the total member count
BOTS: counts the total number of bots
!maxwarn limit <amount>: set max warnings a member can receive before taking an action
!maxwarn action <timeout|kick|ban>: set the action to be performed after receiving maximum warnings
Moderation Logging
Description: enable or disable moderation logs
!modlog <channel|off>
Moderation logging enable logging of all moderation actions and automod events
Flag Translations
Enabling this feature will allow members to simply react to any message with a country flag emoji, translating that message content to regional language
Description: configure flag translation in the server
!flagtr <on|off>
Auto Role
Description: setup role to be given when a member joins the server
!autorole <role|off>
!welcome status <on|off>
enable or disable welcome message
!welcome channel <#channel>
configure channel where welcome messages must be sent
!welcome preview
send a welcome preview
!welcome desc <content>
set welcome embed description
!welcome footer <content>
set welcome embed footer
!welcome thumbnail <on|off>
enable or disable welcome message thumbnail
!welcome color <#hex>
set welcome embed color
!welcome image <image-url>
set welcome embed image
Allowed Content Replacements
\n : New Line
{server} : Server Name
{count} : Server member count
{member:nick} : Member Nickname
{member:name} : Member Name
{member:dis} : Member Discriminator
{member:tag} : Member Tag
{member:mention} : Member Mention
{member:avatar} : Member Avatar URL
{inviter:name} : Inviter Name
{inviter:tag} : Inviter Tag
{invites} : Inviter Invites
Reaction Roles
Create Reaction Role
!addrr <#channel> <messageId> <role> <emote>
Description: setup reaction role for the specified message
Remove Reaction Roles
!removerr <#channel> <messageId>
Description: remove configured reaction for the specified message
!ticket setup <#channel>: setup a new ticket message
!ticket log <#channel>: setup log channel for tickets
!ticket limit <amount>: set maximum number of concurrent open tickets
!ticket closeall: close all open tickets
Ticket Channel Commands
!ticket close: close the ticket
!ticket add <userId|roleId>: add user/role to the ticket
!ticket remove <userId|roleId>: remove user/role from the ticket
Ticket Category Commands
!ticketcat list: list all ticket categories
!ticketcat add <category> | <name>: create a new ticket category
!ticketcat remove <category>: remove a ticket category
Last updated